This is as much about the Registry of Election Finance not doing their job as it about Rep.Randy, not representing my rights and playing fast and loose with his campaign funds.
We report, you decide.
Uncle Ted
From the desk of
Ted G. Cook
470 Hard Rock Road
Savannah, TN 38372
August 11, 2006
Ted G. Cook
470 Hard Rock Road
Savannah, TN 38372
August 11, 2006
Tennessee Registry of Election Finance
404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 1614
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Dear Mr. Chairman,
What follows is another fine example of the fact that there is abuse of the Financial Disclosure and Campaign Financing laws in Hardin County and if history repeats itself, no one will wants to do their job, including your fine offices.
Our State Attorney General has opined, in Ag-Op 05-172, December 7, 2005, that the Registry of Election Finance has a duty to review all filed statements to insure compliance. The following sworn complaint will show that your fine offices may have neglected that duty, in that the allegations are obviously from the face of the filings.
Your attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Pursuant to Section 2-10-108 of the Tennessee Code, I hereby file this sworn complaint against Representative Randy Rinks, State Representative for the 71st District, for violation of the requirements of Section 2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code and Chapter 0530-1-1 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance. In support of this complaint, I would allege as follows:
1. In his 2005 campaign financial disclosure statement, Representative Rinks reported a $15,039.92 expense payable to American Express for his monthly bill, without any further documentation or itemization of the expense. This expense report is in violation of Chapter 0530-1-1.04 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance and Section 2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code due to insufficient description of the disbursement.
2. In his 2005 campaign financial disclosure statement, Representative Rinks reported telephone expenses of $1,167.34 to Access Int. Networks, $551.55 to Bellsouth, $2,507.67 to Cingular Wireless, $965.16 to Nextel, and $482.81 to Sprint, for total telephone expenditures of $5,674.53 for the 2005 calendar year. These expenses appear to be in violation of Chapter 0530-1-1.04 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance and Section 2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code because the expenses appear to be far in excess of what should be reasonably necessary for and incidental to the candidate’s holding public office and/or campaigning for said office.
3. In his 2005 campaign financial disclosure statement, Representative Rinks reported a $2,994.23 expense payable to Nashville City Club for his "monthly bill," without any further documentation or itemization of the expense. This expense report is in violation of Chapter 0530-1-1.04 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance and Section 2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code due to insufficient description of the disbursement.
4. In his 2004 campaign financial disclosure statements, Representative Rinks reported expenses of $16,901.72 payable to American Express for his monthly bill and utilities, without any further documentation or itemization of the expense. These expense reports are in violation of Chapter 0530-1-1.04 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance and Section 2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code due to insufficient description of the disbursement.
5. In his 2004 campaign financial disclosure statement, Representative Rinks reported telephone expenses of $1,712.81 to Access Int. Networks, $166.26 to AT&T, $150.34 to Bellsouth, $1,371.65 to Cingular Wireless, and $1,622.49 to Nextel, for total telephone expenditures of $5,023.55 for the 2004 calendar year. These expenses appear to be in violation of Chapter 0530-1-1.04 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance and Section 2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code because the expenses appear to be far in excess of what should be reasonably necessary for and incidental to the candidate’s holding public office and/or campaigning for said office.
6. In his 2003 campaign financial disclosure statement, Representative Rinks reported a $7,594.44 expense payable to American Express for utilities, without any further documentation or itemization of the expense. This expense report is in violation of Chapter 0530-1-1.04 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance and Section 2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code due to insufficient description of the disbursement.
7. In his 2003 campaign financial disclosure statement, Representative Rinks reported telephone expenses of $985.51 to Access Int. Networks, $166.26 to AT&T, $895.29 to Cingular Wireless, and $901.32 to Nextel, for total telephone expenditures of $2,948.38 for the 2003 calendar year. These expenses appear to be in violation of Chapter 0530-1-1.04 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance and Section 2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code because the expenses appear to be far in excess of what should be reasonably necessary for and incidental to the candidate’s holding public office and/or campaigning for said office.
WHEREFORE, Complainant respectfully requests that the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance investigate the above-referenced reporting deficiencies and expenses, and, upon a finding of violation of the above-referenced statutes and rules, assess appropriate civil penalties.
Respectfully submitted,
Ted G. Cook
470 Hard Rock Road
Savannah, TN 38372
Sworn to and subscribed before me on this the 11th day of August, 2006.
My Notary Commission expires: 9-10-06
/s/ Jennie L Blackwelder