Answer this - Do citizens have an obligation to the community? Every person owes a debt to the community that cannot be paid in taxes - a debt of personal service.
I entered the public service area, first when I joined the Navy, in 1961, and again when I decided to stay in Hardin County, in 1994, with my family instead of returning to the business world in Memphis.
As a citizen I believe that I owe it to my grandsons, and my extended family, to do what I can, and the best that I can, to present to them for their care and keeping, when the time comes, a clean, safe living and working environment.
This includes a Chamber of Commerce that is not only user-friendly but is also pro-active to the wants and needs of it's members. A Chamber of Commerce that utilizes it's assets, both manpower and position, to ensure maximum efficiency of services to the members, while at the same time planning for the future members and citizens that will enjoy an ever evolving Hardin County.
My research reflects that the Chamber of Commerce is a private, self-governing, self-administrated, public benefit corporation organized to facilitate a continuing effort to provide the means and resources, whether financial or other, to advance and maintain public awareness, and promote the advancement of the commercial, industrial, civic and general interest of the attributes for Hardin County and any other activity permitted by law for a non-profit corporation.
It is a perpetual entity, organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes.
The Board of Directors, on a voluntary and part-time basis are task with the responsibility to provide the means and resources and to administrate over all business and function of the Chamber. The Board of Directors look to the individual selected for Executive Director to carry out this function on a full time basis, with the guidance and counsel of the Board of Directors.
For their own reasons, our local county government has kept the leading question before the citizens and the business community - Is the Chamber of Commerce a W.O.M.B.A.T.? Is it a Waste of Money, Brains And Time?
My personal opinion is that it is the local county government, as administered, is the W.O.M.B.A.T.! That's a fact Jack. It is an absolute injustice, for all the wrong reasons. To borrow from CHESTERTON, My County Right or Wrong is like saying My Mother Drunk or Sober and as Tom Hayden would allow, A Silent Majority and Government by the People is INCOMPATIBLE. The past silence of the Chamber of Commerce about this injustice has contributed to the life of the injustice.
The Chamber has to develope the backbone to stand up and take positions, even on non-business issues.
Some other thoughts are -
I believe that one of the most effective constructive influence, of our time, is the force of organized business functioning through the Chamber of Commerce for community betterment.
I believe that the Chamber can and should help create and express sound opinions on questions affecting the welfare of my community.
I believe that the Chamber of Commerce should unify the public spirit of my community and directs it to useful and constructive channels.
Finally I believe that all we have are our values and when we lose those we don‘t have anything left.
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