From the desk of
Ted G. Cook
470 Hard Rock Road
Savannah, TN 38372
Ted G. Cook
470 Hard Rock Road
Savannah, TN 38372
September 22, 2006
Chairperson Murray and All Members
Tennessee Registry of Election Finance
404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 1614
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
In Re: Sworn Allegations filed against the
Individual Members of the Registry
Pursuant to T.C.A.§2-10-203(k)(1)&(2)
Dear Madam Chairman,
What follows is another fine example of the fact that there is abuse of the Financial Disclosure and Campaign Financing laws, not only in Hardin County, but, in the Nashville, as well.
Your expedited attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Pursuant to Section §2-10-203(k)(1) and (2) of the Tennessee Code, I hereby file these sworn allegations against those members of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance, (Collectively referred to as ‘the Registry’) who were present at the September 13, 2006 scheduled monthly meeting of the members and voted for the summary dismissal of the Sworn Complaint that was filed against Representative Randy Rinks, (District 71), dated August 11, 2006, for violation of the requirements of Section §2-10-107 of the Tennessee Code and Chapter 0530-1-1 of the Rules of the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance.
There have been no allegations, or findings, that the Sworn Complaint is false in any way or that it was filed for the purpose of harassment. There have been no civil penalties assessed nor attorney fees awarded.
There was no notice, phone calls, e-mails or any other communication or correspondence generated by the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance that the agenda would or could included a possible or potential action to dismiss the Sworn Complaint. Simply noting "Sworn Complaint against Randy Rinks" as an agenda item is not sufficient notice as would fairly inform the public of potential dismissal. That’s a sunshine law violation, so in reality the action taken by the Registry are void for lack of proper notice to Cook or anyone else.
NOW, THEREFORE In support of these sworn allegations, I would, under oath, believing them to be true and correct statements, allege as follows:
Alleged Violations of the Federal and State Constitutions
The members of the Registry knowingly, and unlawfully, summarily dismissed the lawfully filed Sworn Complaint of Cook for the purpose of preventing, and did, in fact, prevent, Cook from exercise Cook’s right to petition the government for redress of grievances and to enjoy the benefits of the petition, granted and guaranteed, by and under, both Constitutions; also
The Registry knowingly and unlawfully dismissed the lawfully filed Sworn Complaint of Cook for the purpose of denying Cook the benefit of or to prevent Cook from enjoying Cook’s right, to equal protection under the law and due process, granted under both Constitutions.
Generally. The members of the Registry who were present, at the September 13, 2006 scheduled monthly meeting of the Registry, and voted for the summary dismissal of the Sworn Complaint that was filed against Representative Randy Rinks, (District 71), willfully abandoned their duty to investigate any sworn complaint and did abdicated the Registry’s duty and responsibility, for the enforcement of the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act and the Registry’s rules. They have simply refuse to adhere to or enforce the Campaign Finance Disclosure Laws of the State of Tennessee, or even the intent of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Laws of the State of Tennessee.
Alleged Violations of State of Tennessee Laws.
The Registry knowingly and unlawfully dismissed the lawfully filed Sworn Complaint of Cook for the purpose of preventing Cook from exercise Cook’s right to the results of the statutorily mandated investigation under this title and committed a Class A misdemeanor, in so doing (T.C.A. §§ 2-19-103)
The individual members of the Registry willfully violated provisions of this title made for the protection of elections and committed a Class A Misdemeanor, in so doing. T.C.A. §2-19-113
The individual members of the Registry knowingly made or consented to false or entries ‘not deemed sufficient, by law, on an election document and further published these election documents on the internet, leaving the false impression and/or representation of the Registry’s assurance of compliance with the Disclosure Laws, and committed a Class D Felony, in so doing. T.C.A. §3-19-109
Summary of Allegations
Having first been charged, by Cook, with obvious sanctioned neglect of it’s duty to review all filed statements to insure compliance with Tennessee’s Campaign Disclosure laws and rules, the Registry, knowingly, and in an attempt to not to have to respond to these allegations and possibly in an effort to shield Representative Rinks from an investigation, unlawfully took it upon itself to summarily dismiss, without notice, the Sworn Complaint filed by Cook, dated August 11, 2006.
This is activity constitutes a prohibited activity and meets the requirements of T.C.A. §2-10-203(k)(1) and (2), for removal from office.
The members, unless they wish to challenge these allegations, should be deemed to be statutorily removed from office for violation of their oath of office and/or for their participation in an activity prohibited by this chapter.
The Registry has allowed, without question or correction, Representative Rinks, and others, to report their expenditures of campaign funds, for at least the last three years, in a format that the statutes, and the Registry’s rules promulgated by the Registry, itself, defined as ‘not deemed sufficient’ and in so doing, abdicated and abandoned their oversight responsibility and duties as members of the Registry to ensure compliance with the Campaign Finance Disclosure Laws, along with their oath of office.
WHEREFORE, The undersigned respectfully requests that the proper authorities causes an independent investigation of the above allegations, and upon an agreement or a finding of violation of the above-referenced statutes and Constitutions, the members of the Registry be deemed to be removed from office.
Respectfully submitted,
Ted G. Cook
470 Hard Rock Road
Savannah, TN 38372
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