Thursday, October 27

Out of Step for County-Wide Animal Control Program

For you folks that don't read The Courier on a regular basis, the following is a Readers Write Opinion letter this week.  Comments are encouraged.

Uncle Ted

Batter Up, Mr Mayor and County Commissioners, it’s time for another chat, I see.

The way the county animal control efforts are proceeding not only violate basic good business practices, it totally guts prior efforts that the full commission approved in 2008.

As noted in The Courier, after not meeting for months and months, the Mayor had two no notice secret meetings of the animal control committee, in early September.

I got wind that Mayor Davis was going to have another little no notice secret get together before the this months commission planning meeting and I made it a point to attend.

I had asked for a copy of their agenda at the mayor’s office, but was advised they had no published agenda. Go figure.

The fact is, I really don’t think they, the animal control committee, lead by Mayor Davis, of course, have any idea of what they are really doing and yet they want to draw up plans and specs and commit a half a million taxpayer dollars to do it, which in reality is only about 60% of the estimated average per square foot construction costs for their plan.

I wonder what they are not going to include!

But then again, as I have said in the past, if I really wanted to see organized confusion with very little organization at work in Hardin County, all I really had to do watch our Mayor and our Board of County Commissioner’s decision making process at work.

The latest public example of this organized confusion is, of course, their backward attempt to move forward with the long promised reasonable and effective county- wide Animal Control program.

Before we get into that, let’s take a little look back.

In 2008, after almost a year long public campaign to get the county involved in animal control, a silk stocking and text book designed task force was put together to develop a comprehensive plan for animal control in Hardin County that involved all of the stakeholders, including both the public and private sectors.

It took months of research, meetings, more research and more meetings, and finally the plan development.

I think I know why Mayor Davis doesn’t like to let the public know when he plans on getting together with one of his committees to officially rubber stamp his efforts.

Watching Mayor Davis try to organize or re-plan an Animal Control Program for Hardin County reminds me of a sea-story they tell in boot camp.

It goes something like this.

Proud momma and daddy were going all the way up to Great Lakes, Illinois to watch their son graduate from boot camp.

He had left Savannah almost 3 months earlier and Maw and Paw just couldn’t hardly wait to see him.

Young Kev had written them several times over the months and said that he really liked the marching with his friends part of the up coming ceremonies and that he had gotten real good at it.

Well, the time comes when young Kev and his 100 or so fellow recruits came by the reviewing stands and all could hear momma in a really loud prideful voice say, "Look Paw, there’s our Kev and wouldn’t you know it, he is the only one in step."

Strike One - Out of step, completely, with the comprehensive plans developed by the task force and approved by the county commission in 2008. Note: Approved by the full commission but vetoed by the budget committee. Yah, I know, that is a little backward, but this is Hardin County, you know?

Strike Two - Out of step with any experienced local, regional or national groups on the development process for a reasonable animal control program and facility. One of the golden rule lessons that has been learned by others is: Good business practice - Plan your work and work your plan and public animal control programs - Plan and define the animal control program BEFORE you design the facility.

Strike Three - Out of step with the budget for building costs of any national recognized average estimates.

Example - The total budgeted funds will only fund about 60% of the industry recognized estimated per square foot cost of developing or constructing a similar sized facility. What is going to be left out?

Strike Four (Just for good measure) - Out of step with the recognized need for a professional approach to facility planning and design by having the mayor and a local land surveyor develop the plans for this specialized building.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) strongly recommends that local architects hired to build a new shelter consult with an architect experienced in successful shelter design.

We don’t even have an architect, let alone an experienced architect, we have a land surveyor, as best I can tell.

Experiences across the country has taught that the pre-construction planning phase is absolutely crucial to building a good animal shelter. The HSUS advises animal care and control agencies to spend as much time as necessary to identify their needs and those of their communities before planning a new facility.

The experts say that doing so will help achieve the objective of providing a humane, secure environment for animals and avoid costly errors in the process. The 2008 task force did that for the county, but that business approach was rejected. Go figure.

It should be pointed out, I guess, that on the Best Friends Society’s list of "Biggest Mistakes Made by Groups Building New Shelters," so far Mayor Davis and his animal control committee’s program has got the top three or four mistakes nailed.

Makes one wonder what they have been doing for the last three years, don’t it.

I find the comments in last weeks’ Courier need another viewpoint.

Like Mayor Davis throwing in the towel as far as reaching an agreement with Savannah to operate a joint animal shelter, for example, coupled with the comment about Savannah officials rejecting the county’s "bona fide" offer to pay half the expenses of a combined operation.

Why should Savannah have to pay anything extra for county-wide services that are suppose to be for the benefit of all county citizens? The Savannah citizens have duel citizenship, so to speak, of Hardin County, first, and also the City of Savannah, by choice.

That would be like saying, about 70% of the county population live outside Savannah, so a bona fide offer would be for Savannah citizens to pay, first, 50% of the operating expenses with their city tax dollars while paying another 15% of the county’s 50% with their county tax dollars.

Mr. Mayor, records show that the county accounted for over 70% of the 2,500 to 3,000 animals that passed thru during the last year of combined operation of the shelter and in your mind, agreeing to pay for 50% of the operating expenses, and nothing else, is a bona fide offer? Give me a break.

All this after recognizing, in 2008, that the program had to be a county wide effort with Savannah making a voluntary contribution for an enhanced level of services with-in the city limits.

That offer was on the table in 2008. It is not there now because Savannah has moved on after being rejected by the county. What did you expect them to do? Wait on the county, again?

As to Commissioner Berry’s observation that it is impossible to persuade the county commission to help fund the city proposed sportsplex project as city officials wanted in exchange for a cooperative animal shelter agreement.

I don’t remember it ever coming before the commission for discussion or debate but he may be right.

The commissioners can not seem to get their arms around the concept of inter-local government projects and the fact that county citizens account for about 70% usage of the city’s parks and recreational facilities, at no cost to the county taxpayers.

Ted G. Cook
Hardin County, Tennessee

Sunday, June 26

Adequate Public Notice - Draft Submission for Reader Write Opinion


After the dismal and pathetic voter turn-out in the last general election, I question any real benefit of taking the time to make the effort to try to keep my fellow citizen/voters abreast of issues that effect them and to encourage participation in the observation of our local government. The vast majority of the voters seem content to not participate, just criticize those that do. So be it. We'll call this one, for the public record.

There has been, in my humble opinion, such a blatant and conspicuous disregard for the Open Meeting Act, aka "Sunshine Law," by Mayor Davis and our Budget Committee with their semi-secret unscheduled meeting of the budget committee on Tuesday June 21st, that I just can not let it go unchallenged.

I have expressed my concerns to both the Chairman of the Budget Committee, Commissioner White and to Mayor Davis, only to have been kinda patted on the head and assured that they did everything right. Well, let’s see if they did everything, or anything, right.

If any of the elected officials, who control policy for Hardin County, would bother reading the state published County Government Handbook, which is kinda like an owner’s manual for our elected officials, they would find in Section 22 a general discussion of the requirements of the Sunshine Law. Even after years in office it is very obvious, and has been for some time, that Mayor Davis and Commissioner White and others wouldn’t recognize a violation of the Sunshine Law, if it was bitting them on the backside.

Mayor Davis and each and every one of the elected commissioners know or should know that in order to meet the requirement of the Sunshine Law, ‘adequate public notice’ MUST be given before all meetings to which the act applies. "No Adequate Notice - No Count Meeting".

The law of the land, (TCA 8-44-101(a)), is that it is the policy of this state that the formation of public policy and decisions is public business and shall not be conducted in secret. Specifically, MUST have adequate public notice, period.

Well, what is "adequate public notice," you might ask?

The owners manual, citing our Tennessee Supreme Court, defines it as ‘. . . such notice based on the totality of the circumstances as would fairly inform the public." The operative words in that statement is, "fairly inform."

The courts over time have established two seemingly different standards for the adequacy of the required notices. There is one standard for meetings that would NOT be expected to be of interest to the general public and a more stringent standard for non-scheduled special meetings or if the issue is one that is expected to be of great public concern, i.e. of pervasive importance. I think an unnecessary increase in property taxes would qualify as ‘of pervasive importance,' don’t you?

Having said that, our courts have determined that the Open Meeting Act does not distinguish between "technical" and "substantive" violations of either standard. Said another way, a violation is a violation. Either is was or it wasn't violated.

For unscheduled special meetings and the more stringent standards, one of our States Attorney Generals (AG) has opined (Op.No. 00-095) that under the three-prong test for "adequate public notice" under this provision (the Act):

1. The notice must be posted in a location where a member of the community could become aware of such notice;

2. The contents of the notice must reasonably describe the purpose of the meeting or the action proposed to be taken; and

3. The notice must be posted at a time sufficiently in advance of the actual meeting in order to give citizens both an opportunity to become aware of and to attend the meeting.

The AG also noted that for the purposes of the first prong of the adequate notice inquiry, the [county] can provide adequate notice simply by choosing reasonable public locations and posting notice at those public locations on a consistent basis. The court concluded that the city hall, the post office, and a local bank satisfied the requirements, under the circumstances presented.

One must observe that when the courts speak of the "locations" they speak in the plural. Locations - more than one.

Here is Strike One, Mr. Mayor. The only place your Notice of the Budget Committee Meeting was exposed to members of the community was in an obscure corner of the lobby of the courthouse that is used for various miscellaneous flyers for fund raisers and missing things. Is this single obscure location an adequate location where one might expect members of the community to become aware of such notice? Of course it isn't.

Why didn't you send a note to the Courier for them to post on the internet or you could have posted it on the county’s web page, right? Oh, that’s right, the county doesn’t have a web page, do they. Why didn’t you have the radio stations do a public service announcement for the meeting? Why wasn’t the non-scheduled meeting announced at the County Commission meeting, the night before, when several members of the commuity who came to voice their opinion on the tax increase were present, but were not heard?

Did the Mayor want to keep the meeting a secret or does he not know any better, even after 5 years on the job? You decide. I already have.

Here is Strike Two, Mr. Mayor. The contents of the notice did not describe or state any purpose of the meeting or action proposed to be taken, whatsoever. Missed that second prong content thing.

And finally, Here is Strike Three. The notice was posted, per Mayor Davis, on Monday, June 20th, the day before the County Commissioner even took any action to send the budget back to the committee. That was rather presumptuous on the Mayor’s part, wasn’t it?

The committee meeting was to be held on June 21, one day after the notice was hid in the corner of the courthouse and less than 24 hours after the Mayor had the commissioners vote to send the complete budget back to the committee for reconsideration of their best efforts to produce a reasonable budget, without comment or specific instructions for the committee, as to why or say what.

Your Out, Mr. Mayor. The law of the land is "in order to meet the third prong of the adequate public notice inquiry, the notice must be posted at a time sufficiently in advance of the actual meeting in order to give citizens both an opportunity to become aware of and to attend the meeting. Notice which is not posted sufficiently in advance of the special meeting is nothing more that a mere gesture. Our Courts hold that "notice that is a mere gesture is no notice at all."

I submit that the June 21, 2011 budget committee special meeting was in violation of the Sunshine Act of this State and any action taken by the budget committee at that meeting was, and is, invalid. It's a fact, T.C.A. § 8-44-105 provides that "any action taken at a meeting in violation of this part shall be void and of no effect. . . ." In reality things stand the same way they were, as if the meeting had never been held and they will until this violation is cured. Tick-Tock, the budget clock is still ticking.

Moving on. Of course a body that may have violated the act may cure its violation by conducting a subsequent meeting at which it ratifies the prior action. However, be advised that a cure meeting will not be effective unless the ultimate decision is made in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, AND if it is a new and substantial reconsideration of the issues involved, in which the public is afforded ample opportunity to know the facts and to be heard with reference to the matters at issue.

Come on, Mr. Mayor, do you really think that your cavalier efforts to inform the citizens and your uninformed version of the notice required by Tenn. Code Ann. § 8-44-103 is sufficient to give interested citizens a reasonable opportunity to exercise their right to be present at the meeting or give citizens both an opportunity to become aware of and to attend the meeting? All I can say is, oh my goodness, if you do.

A government that proclaims itself entitled to do completely as it pleases, while requiring its people to rigidly obey every precept of its legislation, violates the maxim of law that says, ‘just as the state and county are created by laws, so the state and county must be subject to law, … for only by the principles of law can we judge the state and/or county as just or unjust, wise or foolish, strong or weak. Such governments that proclaims itself entitled to do completely as it pleases are unjust, and their leadership should be changed immediately for the sake of the people whom they are charged by law to protect. Our founding fathers came up with that idea.
Ted G. Cook
Savannah, TN

Conflict of Interest - 101

The following is the Readers Write article in The Courier in April 2011.

At last month’s planning meeting of the Hardin County Board of Commissioners, Commissioner Mike Jerrolds (Dist.7) made a motion, and got it seconded, to amend the agenda for the business meeting to allow a discussion and possible action on a motion to include several of the nonprofit community center-type corporations around the county for a county contributions to help with the development and necessary improvements at the various community centers.

Several of the communities were left with stripped–and I mean really stripped–former school buildings to use as community centers, after the school board seems to have retaliated for objections made to their closing plans.

County Budget Director Linda Franks advised she had received and reviewed eight requests for contributions and in her opinion they all complied with the new county charitable contributions ordinance and the state law.

Kevin Davis, our county mayor and chairman of the commission announced that a commissioner (it was later learned it was Commissioner Emery White (Dist.9), who has also been an outspoken opponent of almost anything that doesn’t directly benefit his own district), had asked, in private, I guess, if a commissioner could vote on the motion if he was also an officer of one of the these 501(c)(3) (non-profit) corporations seeking a contribution.

Mayor Davis seems to admit doesn’t know the answer and would have to defer to the county attorney, Curt Hopper.

Quick quiz. Have you ever gotten any bad or wrong advice, based on a shot from the hip, from your attorney?

Lawyer Hopper advised that in his opinion, it would be "a conflict of interest" for the two commissioners, both supporters of the motion, to vote because of their relationship with the community centers and therefore Commissioner Nickie Cagle (Dist. 6) and Commissioner Jonas Morris (Dist. 7) would have to abstain from voting.

Lawyer Hopper did not cite any legal authority for his opinion other than he remembered that he had read a statute at one time that would support his opinion.

That opinion of Lawyer Hopper, our county attorney for over five years, actually made my ole mind say, "Hey, wait a minute, there ain’t no way that’s right." But I didn’t say it out loud. I wondered what statute he could be talking about and I knew I would just have to try to find it in the current version of the code when I got home." I looked for a long time. I couldn’t find it.

Let us hope Lawyer Hopper just misunderstood the question he was being asked to express his "learned legal" opinion on. I think Mayor Davis may have bush-wacked Lawyer Hopper by not telling him about the question until just before the meeting. Accidentally, of course.

But then again, Lawyer Hopper does have a very lucrative and public criminal law practice. Maybe he didn’t have time to be county attorney and look it up himself. All speculation on my part, of course.

The right answer is that if there is no financial or like gain for the public officials, there is no conflict of interest and they can vote on the matter.

The Back Story: Since there didn’t appear to be enough votes to stop the community center funding proposal on a level playing field, Commissioner White approached the mayor to raise the question, although he should know what is a conflict of interest and what is not. After all, he has been a commissioner and vice chairman of the board as long as I have been watching the commissioners. That is a long time.

Of course, our mayor who obviously didn’t have a clue, as normal, would have to contact the County Technical Assistance Service, and ask them. And he did. But the big question is, what was asked and how was it asked?

One would assume Mayor Davis would have learned early on what is a conflict of interest and what is not.

CTAS has always preached that "Every county official should be familiar with the conflict of interest, ethics, and disclosure laws applicable to their offices."

Unable to determine what statute Lawyer Hopper could possibly be relying on for his opinion, contact was made with the mayor’s office to see if they could find out what Lawyer Hopper was using as his authority. It was learned, at that time, that the opinion came from CTAS in response to the mayor’s inquiry, not Lawyer Hopper.

At the planning meeting, neither Lawyer Hopper or the mayor let the commissioners know the county attorney’s opinion was actually a product of the mayor’s contact with CTAS.

What happens if the CTAS opinion was based on an incomplete understanding of the facts?

I learned from the mayor’s office that the now CTAS-Hopper opinion was relying on the part of the Code that deals with public contracts. However, the matter before the commission comes under the part of the Code that deals with charitable contributions.

Strike One: We’re not talking about a contract.

Even under public contracts, the public official has to be "directly interested," meaning any contract with the official personally.

Strike Two: We’re not talking about contracting with the commissioner "personally."

Then we have "controlling interest." Which, of course, includes the individual with the ownership or control of the largest number of outstanding shares owned by any single individual or corporation.

Strike Three: Neither commissioners have have controlling interest in the monprofit corporation making the request and derive no personal or corporate gain. They are doing what all the commissioners should be doing. They are participating in their community’s affairs.

Sorry Mr. Emery, you can quit grinning. I think they told you wrong.

Mr. Mayor, would you please ask the county attorney, since it is not a contract, where is the conflict of interest? I would, but he won’t take my calls.
Ted G. Cook
Savannah, TN