Wednesday, July 27

Chamber of Commerce

1 comment:

Uncle Ted said...

What is Our Chamber of Commerce?

The Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of people...working together toward a better living in a better community. It is a working partnership of business, industrial and professional people, who recognize the wisdom of coordinating their efforts for community and economic betterment and who are willing to implement programs to achieve these goals.

They are not a governmental agency, but a non-profit organization supported and financed through the voluntary investments of our members.

As a Chamber representing one of the fastest growing counties in the state of Tennessee, they are devoted to fostering the healthy economic growth of our community in a number of ways:

Directing services to our members so they may capitalize on the wealth of business information in the area to become even more productive.

Promoting the area as a progressive business and residential community.

Encouraging and promoting economic development to broaden the areas' business base.

Promoting political awareness of local, state and national issues that may affect our business.

By combining efforts, Chamber members can exert a more powerful influence on those decisions which affect the future of our area and our businesses. The business or professional person can best safeguard his interests by working with others through our Chamber. They promote an environment that can maximize business potential and profitability.

The purpose of the Chamber of Commerce is to provide a leadership role in improving the overall business climate for members through the implementation of programs and services which stimulate economic growth and enhance the quality of life in the area.

To achieve this they are committed to:

Promoting the values of the free enterprise system.
Fostering economic health as the keystone that maintains our community's quality of life.
Influencing government and institutional decisions on a local and state level.
Participating in the resolution of community wide issues.
Serving as a resource for information about the community.
Being recognized by our members as responsive and oriented to their needs.
Managing Chamber operations and activities with excellence and integrity.

They invite you to join them in their commitment to the success of the areas' business community, government, education and quality of life.