Sunday, February 5

Part I - The Big Picture is About Balance
What Should the Citizens Expect From Those They Elect to the
Office of County Commissioner aka County Legislator?

First, we need to discuss WHAT the Board of County Commissioners and the elected office of County Commissioner are really suppose to be. WHAT roll do they play in the ‘big picture’ of our Hardin County government?

For the 70% that are functionally literate, one only has to look at the books and records, which I have taken the time to do, because it is all written down. The blueprint, so to speak, is in our Tennessee Code. I know the easy answer to the question is that we expect the folks we elect to know and understand their job and to be what they are suppose to be. Well, duh!

But then again, that begs another question. How do we know they are being all they are suppose to be, if we don’t have a clue or concern about how to measure whether they are or not? Is it one of those, if the sun comes up in Hardin County tomorrow morning, the commissioners must be doing a pretty good job, thing?

Is there a check or balance between ‘the haves’, ‘the have nots’ and ‘the majority in between?’ You know that Democracy - "we the people," thing. Is there a balance in Hardin County? I think not!! History will teach you that the imbalance in Hardin County usually occurs when opportunity meets apathy.

If we ever expect to move Hardin County into the 21st century and away from its plantation mentality, we need to work on this question and there is no better time than now.
My answer and goal is to get more citizens to work on that apathy thing and to participate in the next opportunity. That would be the county election scheduled in less than 180 days.

The question that keeps running around in my head is, WHAT are ‘the people’ prepared to do? I truly believe that, within the privacy of the voting booth, the majority will say it is time to move away from our plantation mentality. Let’s try it a different way and elect folks that are willing to commit to read the book, learn their jobs and be all they can be. Put Hardin County in balance.
Put Hardin County in balance? After all is said and done, that's the job of our County Government and its' legislative, executive and judicial branches, checks and balances. Duh!
It is time to begin to inform ourselves in order to make an informed decision when the election day gets here, in less than 180 days.

End Part I

Respectfully submitted for your consideration.


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