Part III - What Does it Look like or What are we looking for?
Legislative Effectiveness, Can One Make A Difference?
History has shown that when candidates and/or lawmakers attack the ‘people’s branch’, itself, while promoting themselves in campaigns or their agendas, the institution pays a price in the public eye.
Having said that, one could arrive at the conclusion, every now and then, that is the price that must be paid in order to focus, the normally apathetic and unconcerned public eye, on the effectiveness of the current ‘people’s branches, all three of them.’
First Tough Question: - How does one highlight themselfs and their issues, while strengthening the ‘people’s branch ’ of government, if the current county government appears on most citizens score cards as seriously lacking in their ability to balance the interest of ALL the citizens of Hardin County?
Preferred Direction: We must return to the practice of being able to disagree with each other without damaging our friendships and trust in each other. Democracy, our master blueprint, truly is the best form of government mankind has found and we need to support it.
Our Board of County Commissioners, as an institution, need to be precise and direct; attack issues, not people; and avoid putting the people on the defensive.
Above All - Our County Commissioners themselves should be reliable, by being dependable, consistent, honest and observe confidentiality.
Our Commissioners must appreciate others and tell them the truth. This respect for individuals will build the foundation for respect for our future legislative, executive and judicial institutions.
It is easy to lash out at those that question our visions, but I would offer some historical reminders:
- - - On any issue, the other side has some valid points.
- - - You seldom gain by questioning the other side’s motives.
- - - On most issues you will find the solution in the "gray area" between the initial starting points.
- - - Keep your sense of perspective - - the legislature will carry on after we’ve left the scene.
One cannot over emphasize the need to earn respect of their colleagues through listening to and knowing their colleagues.
What Surprises New Legislators?
It was noted in our research several times that new members of most Legislative bodies:
Often enter the legislature with one or two key issues, but no idea of the "big picture."
Often enter the legislature with one or two key issues, but no idea of the "big picture."
Don't realize how their policy decisions have real effects for real people.
Don't understand the broad scope of their responsibilities.
Don't realize the great resources they have to help them do their work.
It will not be necessary to reinvent the wheel, so to speak, all one has to do is understand their role in the blueprint of services and do the best they can, with the tools that are required and provided by 'the people' .
Respectfully submitted for your consideration.
Uncle Ted
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