Wednesday, February 8

Part IV - Other Things You Need to Know to Measure the County Legislature.

What Should the Citizens Expect
From Those They Elect to the Office of County Commissioner
(aka County Legislator?)

A ten point ‘facts of life’ list that one should consider in measuring the Commissioners and the Board of County Commissioners, our legislature.

Hollywood Has it Wrong

Hollywood loves to lampoon politicians, but the real world is quite different. Most Legislatures are filled with folks who work to solve problems through debate, negotiation and compromise.

We Don’t All Agree

When we spend time with people who think like we do, we may start to believe that there is clear agreement about the key issues of the day. However, citizen agreement is only on a superficial level: better schools, lower taxes, improved roads and so on. The devil is in the details. It takes real work to find the specific solutions to problems.

You Can’t Win ‘em All

We are conditioned in our society to compete and strive to win. However, in a representative democracy, one group or one person can’t win all the time.

Change Takes Time

We are an instant gratification society, but democracy has been designed with "speed bumps" so that we don’t rush to judgment. Patience and careful deliberation are the hallmarks of good public policy.

Your Ideas Count

People often believe that Commissioners don’t listen to ordinary people. However, Commissioners are regular folks, too. They must care deeply about their communities and what their constituents think.

You are a Special Interest

Although special interests tend to be vilified, all of our citizens are represented directly or indirectly by special interests. Eight out of 10 Americans belong to an organized group with a policy agenda.

They Are Just like You

Commissioners live and work in the same community as their constituents. Most Commissioners run for office because they believe they can make a difference or stop a difference.

Politics is Messy

Like an ice cream sundae, politics can be messy, but it can be wonderful. Although politics can be slow, contentious conflict is normal and Democracies have a great record on peacefully settling its differences.

We Have the Gold Standard

The world looks to America for lessons in government. Newly emerging democracies look to us for tips on establishing safe and effective methods of governance. We can build a model unit for governance, at the county level.

The Citizens Have the Keys

The government belongs to you, the citizen. "We the People" is not an empty phrase. It’s up to you to get involved and participate. You can call, write or email your Commissioners and go to public meetings. Better still, think about being one. You might be able to make a positive difference.
Legislative Service is One of Democracy’s Worthiest Pursuits
County Elections in about 175 days.
Be part of the solution or be part of the problem?
You decide.
Respectfully submitted for your consideration.
Uncle Ted

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