Thursday, December 20

$2,500.00 Donation to Hardin Metro SPCA

Hardin Metro SPCA has received a $2,500.00 donation designated for 'Spay/Neuter and Veterinary Care' from Pete H. Brown and Mildred F. Brown Foundation, Inc., with an acknowledgment that "Your important work in protecting Hardin County animals is very much appreciated."

As you may know, as a 501(c)(3) Corporation, HMSPCA is not eligible for the Horse Creek CAP program, for dogs, and we have had to fund the spay/neutering and veterinary care of the animal we rescue and process for adoption with our limited general/operating funds.

This generous donation will not only allow us to establish a Spay/Neuter Fund, but will also allow us to apply for other federal, state and other non-profit grants, that require such specific and designated Spay/Neuter Fund, to supplement our efforts to rescue and adopt the animals, dogs and cats, we process in our animal cruelty investigations program.

An acknowledgment and appreciation letter will be prepared and sent to the Foundation and it’s Trustees. FYI the Trustees for Pete H. Brown and Mildred F. Brown Foundation, Inc. are: Jack L. Adams; J. Matthew Brown; Michael N. Brown; and our own Vice-President and Board Member, Susan A. Brown.
Thank you, would be an understatement.

Respectfully submitted,

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