Thursday, December 20

Commissioners Who Voted Against Animal Control Program

At the County Commissioner's meeting last Monday night, the Commissioners listed below voted against taking the first step in establishing a Animal Care and Control program in Hardin County, by voting against recruiting and hiring a Director of the proposed Animal Services Department, as recommended by the Animal Control Committee.

If you get a chance, and any of the folks represent your District, would you please help me find out the reasoning behind their vote by calling or contacting them over the next few days and let me know the results.

They made no comments about their vote at the meeting except for Commissioner Jenkins who expressed his position that he thought the public needed to have an opportunity to comment on the overall plan that had been submitted by the Committee even though the point was made that the overall plan was not before the Commission for approval or disapproval, at this time.

Commissioner Tracy Grisham, Chief of Police for Crump, did comment, after the meeting, that he didn’t understand what was being voted on and never votes for anything he doesn’t understand. There was a third option called, I pass.

Your help in contacting these folks, as soon as possible, would be appreciated.


Commissioner / Home Phone Number /District
  • Roger Jenkins / 731-689-3829 / Three - Counce/Southside

  • Tracey Grisham / 731-632-0288 / Four - Shiloh/Crump

  • Jimmy G. Grisham /731-687-0154 / Five - Saltillo/Morris Chap

  • Nickie L. Cagle / 731-925-8022 / Six - Cerro Gordo/Rhodes/Olive Hill

  • Gene Bryant / 731-925-2092 / Seven - Whites/Walnut Grove

  • Mike Jerrolds / 731-925-2747 / Seven - Whites/Walnut Grove

  • Tom Haggard / 731-925-5720 / Nine - Courthouse


Anonymous said...

if it wasnt up for approval or disapproval, how can they vote against it.

Uncle Ted said...

The first step was up for approval. It seems to me that if they vote against the first step they are voting against the program.
