Monday, September 18

The Memorandum Cover to TREF

From the desk of
Ted G. Cook
470 Hard Rock Road
Savannah, TN 38372


September 12, 2006

From: Ted G. Cook, Complainer
To: Chairperson Murray and Other Members of the Registry of Election Finance

In re: Agenda for your September monthly meeting -
Item 6. Sworn Complaint against Randy Rinks

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,

Recognizing that your agenda appears to be quite lengthy and by the time we get to the reference Item 6, we will probably all be ready to call it a day, I am taking the liberty of faxing the attach information for your review in considering the actions to take in regard to my Sworn Complaint.

There are several questions posed within the attached report that I would like go get answered during the debate on the action to take, if any.

I look forward to attending your meeting tomorrow and will make myself available, if you have any further need.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration.

Ted. G. Cook
470 Hard Rock Road
Savannah, TN 38372
Boy, was this a waste of time? Not really. Someday, the questions will be ask, What Did You Know, When Did You Know It and What Did You Do About It? It will be in their files andrecords for September 13, 2006. I promised the folks that I would be back and I like to keep my promises.

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