Monday, September 18

Principle of Law Over Power

"Where shall we seek justice when the injustice of power is our destruction?"

This was one of the enclosures that was sent the the folks, the Registry of Election Finance, who were going to deal with my sworn complaint about Rep. Rinks questionable Campaign Financal Disclosure filing.

(In case you have missed it, they dismissed it because it was 4 days past their time limitations for considering the sufficiancy of the report) You can catch up on Bill Hobbs Blog.

Back to the Memo.

Why Am I Here? -
Political Activities and Legislative Activities Are Two Different Things and Are Subject to Two Different Sets of Rules. (Internal Revenue Service - Non-Political Purpose)

Relief Sought -
There are suppose to be unpleasant consequences for folks who play fast and loose with our election and financial disclosure laws. (Not in Hardin County, We’ll see about the State)

You note in one of your annual ‘Reports’ that if more accurate reports were being filed with the Registry, the Registry would not need to send as many reports back for corrections. That would reduce the Registry’s postage and supply costs.

The question is: Do incorrect reports not get sent back for corrections because the Registry is limited in staff and by a limited amount of resources for manpower, postage and supply costs?

Why don’t incorrect reports, like Rep. Rinks, get sent back? Are they even being reviewed for compliance?

The day I was promoted to Chief Personnelman, U.S. Navy, was one of the bests days of my life. Being sworn in as a Tennessee Constable is up there, too. I had became a student of government operations and procedures in my training and assignments as a Navy Management Analysis conducting administrative inspections for compliance with operations regulations and procedures. Serving as a Tennessee Constable and the time spent in the State and Federal Court Systems have develop a sense of law enforcement. I’m here to try to get the law enforced. It’s that simple.

Your web site says that the Registry of Election Finance was created as an independent entity of state government and is responsible for the enforcement of the Campaign Financial Disclosures Act (T.C.A. 2-10-101-, et seq.), among others.

It further says that in making his third appointment, the Governor is required so solicit nominations that have demonstrated a nonpartisan interest in fair election and informed voting. I would assume that this nonpartisan interest in fair election and informed voting is the ultimate goal of the State and thus the Registry of Election Finance.

Considering the status and presence of Rep. Rinks, which should not distract from the facts of my sworn complaint, a through review and accounting would be in the best interest of all concerned.

Is the Campaign Financial Disclosures Act a hollow statute? It is in Hardin County and it appears they learned from the State. When someone makes a mockery of the Act and the Rules and no one seems to have the least bit of interest in calling them to task, by enforcing the statutes, it is probably because it is such a mockery that it expands quickly to Perjury, a couple of Felonious act and a few Misdemeanors and involves longtime strong political supporters of our State Representative and State Senator.

Down here you can file virtually a blank sworn statement and it’s ok with the County Elections Commission because they say they are not required to review for compliance or responsible for the enforcement of the Campaign Financial Disclosures Act and only required to accept the filings in a timely manner. Opps.
(I also sent them the case law that establishes their DUTY to investivate a sworn complaint)

Respectfully submitted for your consideration.
Uncle Ted

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